風味多變、且粉嫩夢幻的馬卡龍色系的絲綢般裙襬,精巧完美層層堆疊成蓬鬆軟綿的雪怪。香醇濃郁、又可酸甜清爽的美味,小皇冠的點綴增添一份少女感與滿滿的優雅,搭配一雙呆萌無辜的巧克力大眼睛,讓人捨不得下手、卻又忍不住一口接一口! Various flavors, pinky and dreamy macaron-colored silk skirts, exquisite layered then stack up into a fluffy soft snow monster. It tastes mellow and rich , but can also be sour and refreshing , embellished with a small crown , makes it look cute , with adorable big eyes made of chocolate, you won't have the heart to eat it, yet irresistible at the same time.
誠意滿滿的加入大塊鮮果粒、果汁、鮮乳超低溫凍結而成而成的三色雪花,在大碗中合體成毛茸茸感十足的軟綿雪怪,配上各類現切鮮果帶來的豐富口感與多姿色彩,搭配一雙呆萌無辜的巧克力大眼睛,讓人捨不得下手、卻又忍不住一口接一口! Using different kind of fresh fruits, milk and juices, then going thought the process of ultra-low temperature to quick freeze it into 3 colored ice brick, then shaved to assemble a fluffy soft snow monster, and decorated with fresh fruits, giving it a variety of flavors and colors, with adorable big eyes made of chocolate, you won't have the heart to eat it, yet irresistible at the same
當鹹甜鹹甜、細緻潔白的雲朵鮮奶蓋,澆蓋在由不同水果與鮮奶融合而成的繽紛彩色冰峰上,蓬軟綿密的雲朵入口是令人驚喜的清爽輕盈,舔一口嘴角不經意沾到、所留下的奶痕,感受的是濃郁的奶香、還有會心一笑的小確幸。 Covered with sweet and salty milk foam, drizzle on the colorful fruits and milk ice mountain , resembles a mountain shrouded by clouds. The fresh milk cloud appear rich and pure white, but taste smooth and refreshing, it will surprise you! The lip smacking the milk foam on the lips leaves a milky fragrance in your mouth, and a heart full of happiness.
堅持使用榮獲SQF肯定、台灣純淨牧場的100%鮮乳,急速冷凍保留最完整的乳香與營養價值,這樣的雪花冰才能達成絲滑柔順、香醇、入口即化的全方位美妙體驗。另有加入富含花青素的蝶豆花,調和出粉嫩夢幻、寧靜優雅的湖水藍。 We insisted on using 100% fresh milk from Taiwanese farms that have been approved by SQF, then quick freeze using ultra-low temperature, to preserve the full milk aroma and nutritional value, this is the only way to create a wonderful experience, which is smooth, mellow, and melts in your mouth immediately. There's another kind of ingredient that we added into our milk; the butterfly pea
特選回甘醇厚的抹茶、紅茶、優質香濃可可,讓原本成熟的微苦味,在牛奶調和下變得柔順絲滑,咀嚼著黃金比例的經典手工配料,此等美味的誘惑驅使著手用湯匙一口接一口的往嘴裡送。 High quality matcha, black tea, chocolate were carefully selected, then added to milk and mixed together, what is supposedly bitter taste becomes gentle and silky. With special handmade delicious toppings, tempts you to take one bite after another!
各種天然水果汁與鮮奶以黃金比例完美融合,創造出的除了風味和諧、滑順的奶香,還有給人柔和粉嫩、嬌巧迷人的微妙色彩。搭配上享譽國際的台灣優質時令鮮果,每一口都滿載著四季風情與寶島的驕傲。 Fruit juice and fresh milk are blended in the perfect formula, creates a harmonious, refreshing and smooth taste, and brings out tender, dreamy, beautiful color. Paired with Taiwan's internationally renowned high-quality seasonal fresh fruits, every bite is full of the flavor of the seasonal changes, and the pride of Formosa.
黝黑滑嫩的仙草凍與香Q芋圓本就是天生一對靈魂伴侶,加上可任搭冰封仙果引以為傲的獨門配料,常溫吃、配冰吃、一年四季哪時吃都合宜。 Dark and soft grass jelly meets special taro balls, blend together just as soul mates, with special handmade toppings that you are free to choose from. Enjoy it at room temperature, or with shaved ice, definitely suitable to be enjoyed in every season of the year!
手炒蔗糖水配上非基因改造的綿滑香醇豆花,入口後濃郁黃豆香在舌尖綻放,加上可任搭冰封仙果引以為傲的獨門配料,穩坐歷久不衰的經典台味甜點寶座。 Hand fried golden sugarcane water, served with smooth tofu pudding made from non-GMO soybeans, you can feel the natural soybean fragrance bloom in your mouth, with special handmade toppings that you are free to choose from, definitely is a delicious choice in Taiwan's traditional desserts!
顆粒分明的濃郁紅豆湯、晶瑩剔透的西米露,加上可任選冰封仙果引以為傲的獨門配料,每一口都是你我記憶中,台灣人那份純樸、傳統、懷舊的美好。 Classic Wan-Dan red bean soup and crystal clear sago mix with coconut milk. With special handmade toppings that you are free to choose from, every bite is the simple, traditional, and old fashion beauty of Taiwan.
凍的身體直哆嗦的寒冷冬季裡,來一碗飄散著熱熱蒸氣的甜品正適宜,各種經由小火慢熬嚴選食材,恰到好處溫和滋補、暖和了脾胃與心靈,完食後微微冒汗且滿足哈一口氣,對!這正是專屬於冬季的甜蜜和幸福。 The cold freezing winter is the best time to have a bowl of hot dessert! Selected ingredients are simmered for a long time, perfectly warms your stomach and soul, sweating slightly and feeling satisfied. Yep! That is called a winter blessing.
湯種的特殊和麵發酵工法,讓麵包組織能夠將柔軟細緻的特點最大化、口感更Q彈、水分更多,大刀厚切的吐司塗上各式精選抹醬,烤至香甜酥脆,最適合想解饞又不吃太飽的您。 “Tangzhong” is a special dough fermentation method, it can maximize the softness and fineness of the bread, and the taste is more elasticity, more hydrating, thick-cut toast is spread with different selected spreads, toasted until crispy, what a perfect choice for afternoon tea!
油炸後的蓬鬆酥脆的蛋黃意麵,經過特製高湯的洗禮後,吸附飽滿汁水變得彈性十足,滿滿大碗豐富的配料,再加上一匙畫龍點睛的沙茶,神奇又簡單的組合,讓人可以一天照三餐吃、宵夜吃、下午茶吃、就是百吃不膩!這就是歷史悠久、深深刻在南部人基因裡的美味 — 鍋燒意麵。 After cooking and absorbing the broth, fried crispy noodles become tenderly chewy, a variety of ingredients plus Satay sauce, a classic combination that Taiwanese never gets tired of! So come to feel the magical attraction of Hot Pot Noodles!
純淨水中灌入愉悅舞動的活力泡泡,加入鮮果汁凍結而成的冰塊進而創造不同的風味,如此簡單自然的調味最無負擔,沒有市售汽水過量的糖分、人工化學添加劑,大口飲下只有安心滿分的沁涼暢快,舒爽消暑又解渴。 Sparkling water with ice cubes made from fresh fruit juice, to create different flavors, unlike ordinary soda that contains excess sugar , artificial chemical additives , simple seasoning is natural and healthy. Shake it! Let the bubble quench your thirst, and feel ice cool refreshed.