1線上諮詢Online consultation
官網填寫創業諮詢表後,專員會與您線上聯繫,初步說明加盟細節與詳細報價資料。 After send the consultation form on the official web , our counselor will contact you online , initially explain the details of franchise and quotation information.

2 面談試吃Interview & Tasting
實際面談評估您的加盟條件,並提供契約書範例參閱和現場餐點品嘗試吃與介紹。 Practical interview to evaluate your conditions of franchise , we will provide the sample of contract for reference , actual commodity tasting and introduction.

3 商圈評估Evaluation & Planning
簽約前提供免費鄰近商圈評估、初步店面格局規劃,確認條件適合開店後再承租。 Provide a free neighborhood assessment preliminary and layout planning before signing a contract , confirm all conditions are suitable for establish before renting the store.

4 加盟簽約Contract signed
確認加盟契約書內容,完成店面承租後即可簽約,並繳交第一期加盟金。 Confirm the content of the franchise contract first , then sign a contract after completing the lease of the store , and pay the first installment of the franchise fee.

5 規劃裝潢Decoration planning
設計師親臨現場丈量,與創業輔導老師現場討論規劃,量身訂做最合適的店面格局。 The designer will come to measure , and discuss the plan with the entrepreneurial counselor , to customize the most suitable layout of store.

6 教育訓練Education & Training
裝潢期間須接受總部教育訓練與門市實務操作,技術專業與成品美感需達標方能結業。 During decoration , accept education training and operation guidance from headquarter , professional and product appearance standards must be met for graduation.

7 前製備料Pre-production
裝潢完成後需一週的前置作業期,製作足夠冰磚以利開幕時商品能充足供應。 After the decoration is completed, pre-work period of one week is required , to make enough ice bricks to be sufficient supply of opening time.

8 開幕大吉Grand opening
前製備料及開幕前期將由輔導專員支援參與,確保開幕營運初期順利迎接顧客。 Preparation and opening will be supported by counselor , to ensure the opening beginning period and operation can successfully entertain customers.